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The design of plate heat exchangers allows for a large surface area for heat transfer to take place, making them highly efficient in transferring heat between fluids. This efficiency is further enhanced by the turbulent flow created by the corrugated plates, which helps to maximize heat transfer rates.

Plate heat exchangers are commonly used in a wide range of industries, including HVAC, refrigeration, chemical processing, food and beverage, and power generation. They are preferred for their compact size, high heat transfer efficiency, and ability to handle high pressures and temperatures. Additionally, plate heat exchangers are easy to maintain and clean, as the plates can be easily removed for inspection or replacement.

Overall, plate heat exchangers are versatile and reliable devices that play a crucial role in various industrial processes where efficient heat transfer is essential.

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5hp double wall aluminum brazed plate heat exchanger manufacturer
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Best TL90P TL150P TL250P TL400P heat exchanger plates and gaskets replacement
JINFAN industrial gasketed plate type heat exchangers